In November 2019 my niece and I made a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to conduct an investigation near a popular hiking trail. There have been dogman and bigfoot sightings in the area over the past several years. After walking for about a mile and half from the trailhead we noticed some luminous objects on a hillside. I recorded several pieces of footage of those anomalous ghost orbs. While reviewing one of the clips I noticed a glowing object on the ground that I did not see at the time I was recording the footage. The luminous object in this video appears to be morphing and changing shape.
Feel free to leave your comments, questions, and observations about what you have seen here at Creepy Encounters.
Sitting in a pool at a resort I saw 4 large, like dinner plates in the sky streaking towards the mountains. 4 in tight formation in a straight line towards some point in the mountains. I look at other tourists and no one acted like they saw anything so I stayed silent. This is the first time I ever heard about lights in the park.